Where Cultures
Connect at
the Cross.
A Multi-Ethnic Assembly
of Redeemed
Followers of Jesus with
Common Cause.
Our Daily Bread
Read the popular devotional "Our Daily Bread" online.
Grace Baptist Church
This is our pastor's former church in Medina, NY.
Lighthouse Mission: info.lighthouseusvi.org
The Lighthouse Mission is a faith-based community service center whose
mission is to "Shine the Light of Jesus into Christiansted" through programs
of education and compassion. Located in Christiansted, St. Croix.
St. Croix YWAM: www.ywamstcroix.org
YWAM is now one of the largest interdenominational Christian ministries,
with 11,000 volunteer staff based in nearly 650 locations in over 130 countries.
(Including here in St. Croix)
WIVH Christian Radio: www.wrgn.com
Here is the site for our local Christian radio station.
Baptist General Conference: convergeworldwide.org
The Baptist Gerneral Conference is a group of churches
(currently about 875 of them) who cooperate to help people
in the U.S. and other countries hear and understand the
good news of Jesus Christ as it is explained in the Bible.
Southgate is affiliated with the Baptist General Conference.